Arkadia Works Supports Energy Transition for G20 Summit
Spreading awareness about the Equitable & Affordable Energy Transition, the Industrial Engineering Vocational Agency (BKTI) – the Indonesian Engineers Association (PII) collaborate with the Department of Industrial Engineering FTI Trisakti University, Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia, PT. Pertamina (Persero) and PT Jababeka Tbk held a seminar with the theme: “The Role of Human Resources Development and Strengthening MSMEs”, on Friday, November 4, 2022.
Trisakti University Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi, DEA in his speech said, “Energy transition means we have to think about switching to new renewable energy, where it cannot be transported to other countries. For that, we need cross-disciplinary cooperation so that new renewable energy can be more productive so that the energy transition process can run smoothly.”
On the other hand, Pertamina President Director Nicke Widyawati as Chair of the B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate (ESC) Taskforce who is also the BKTI-PII Advisory Board in his speech delivered by Agung Wicaksono as Deputy Chair of the B20 Taskforce (ESC) said, “One of our 3 recommendations in the B20 its ESC taskforce is that the energy transition must be just and affordable for all parties. No one was left behind. Therefore, human resource development and strengthening MSMEs plays an important part in these recommendations.”
A number of speakers from various universities participated in this seminar, including Prof. Ir. I
Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja, Ph.D (Rector of Pertamina University); Dr. Ir. M. Satori, M.T., IPU (Head of Division IX Research, Assessment & Consultation of BKTI PII); Prof. Ir. Togar M. Simatupang, M.Tech., Ph.D., IPU (Professor of SBM ITB); Prof. Dr. Ir. Chairy, S.E., MM (Rector of President University); and Wiza Hidayat, S.T., GP., IPM., ASEAN Eng. (CEO Arkadia Works & Green Building Professional) moderated by Dr. Rina Fitriana S.T., M.M., IPM, ASEAN Eng (Head of Industrial Engineering Study Program, Trisakti University).
Located in the Auditorium of Building D, Trisakti University, this event was attended by more than 300 students from Trisakti University, Pertamina University, President University, and the MSME community. This event is also broadcast through online channels.
“This seminar is intended to open a space for discussion, collaboration, socialization, and exchange of ideas between the Government, Industry, and Universities regarding the importance of the Human Resource Transition and the involvement of MSMEs to ensure a Just & Affordable Energy Transition”, said Wiza Hidayat, CEO Arkadia Works as Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
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